Entrepreneurship: Gain the Confidence to Live Your Dreams! / By: Jessica Banks
Doesn’t everyone want to answer to themselves and not have to listen to anyone else? Working for yourself doesn’t mean being lazy or sleeping all day, but it may give you the freedom to work at your own pace. If you would like to become an entrepreneur, then you need to make connections, invest in yourself and remain focused on your goals. Being around people who have achieved success and have big ideas is important for personal growth. Life isn’t always about what you know but who you know. The right relationship can make your career. Don’t feel discouraged if you don't have a ton of support at the beginning, but be sure to connect on Linked In and other social media as you meet new people. It’s also important to invest in yourself first. Kennade, a makeup artist and entrepreneur, says, “...this isn’t a job for the weak, but it makes me happy and I love every minute of it.” Get your education, either through college or a trade school, so that you can do what you love and are an expert in your field of interest. Save as much money as you can to help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals. Sometimes you have to spend money on yourself in order to make your business grow. Put your money where it needs to be so that your work has room to grow. When starting a business, it is important to also remain focused. Mary Banks, a mother and entrepreneur that I look up to, created her own store through Amazon where she sells books. She has had to work hard to get established, but she says, “In life, we all go through ups and downs, but it is what you make of it that counts.” Business.com lists 7 easy steps to help you start your own business. One of the most important ones is “Don't underestimate the power of putting your thoughts down on paper” (Business.com, 2020). See your ideas in your head, draw them up and make them a reality. 7 Fundamentals of Starting Your Own Business - business.com