Team LEAD | Summer Money Mentor
Lindblom Math & Science Academy Class of 2016
Vanderbilt University Class of 2020, Civil Engineering
Cyan Baker is a graduate of Vanderbilt University's class of 2020, where she received her Bachelor's of Engineering in Civil Engineering. She will be starting a full-time position with Turner Construction in the fall of 2020 as an Assistant Engineer. Cyan aspires to be in higher management, ultimately becoming CEO one day. Cyan grew up in the Morgan Park neighborhood on Chicago's south side. Cyan started with OTM in the summer of 2016, pursuing her interest in financial literacy. In her spare time, Cyan is an artist and competitive bowler. She has been bowling since she was 5 years old and professionally painting since summer 2012 with her first job at After School Matters.
Explore cyan's Articles

Financial Literacy for Engineering Graduates
Fall 2020
Financial literacy is a very important topic that everyone needs to understand. Unfortunately, people in engineering majors are not properly taught how to manage finances during among their math and science classes. This article addresses this issue.